Am I Ambivert?

Curious Fox 🦊
2 min readApr 23, 2023

I love that in nowadays I can find many tools to understand myself better and through that know that nothing is wrong with me, I am just different.

I like to annalise myself, observe then later it’s much easier to know what is works for me and what is drowning me.

I was never social butterfly, but occasionally I loved to have fun with friends and new people.

I love to have quite time, with less of distractions, any noise, preferably on nature, but from time to time to go to city and have fun.

I didn’t have wide spectrum of friends, but selected few.

Depending on the mood, feeling I would be happy to be in big company or just not going on event.

For sure I know socialising is not giving me energy, but sucking it out, but in same time it’s not that I avoid it purposely.

I would add main word is “Depending “

Depending on what is a place, who is there, what kind of activities +inner feeling (gut feeling).

I remember once I used to go to cinema by myself, because I wanted to enjoy film whiout anyone’s talks and I was quite content with just by myself. Same with cafe, I used to go alone, buying something nice from bakery and drink coffee, sitting outside and not feeling that I need any company.

In a same time I always had a dreams to be in a places, where a lot of people together cheersing — band concert, to see football on bit stadium, to go on large white party.

Before I used to be confused, with such oppositions, but now I am clear at least with this part of my personally.

I wonder how many can relate with me? Did you had similar feelings about yourself?



Curious Fox 🦊

My name is Evgenia, I am living in North East of India with husband. Big fan of books and cozy vlogs. Having 5 cats, wishing to write a book .