How to create a bond with adopted cat ?

Curious Fox 🦊
3 min readApr 4, 2023
My cute boy Kustov.

I must say from the start I am cat-mama, I do love other animals as well, but cats on different level all together. Here in India people are calling me cat-lady. Anyway, I must say if we start from my childhood I was always into cats, maybe because my mama used to get cat toys for me or we just meant to be together, but now I have quite good understanding how to be a friend with cats and I can start my friendship with small kitty or already matured one.

But today I want to write about adult one, for example I want to take the cat off the street, he/she is not very human-trusting type or just bit lost, scared.

  • First, I need to observe character of a particular animal and respect it’s boundaries, I would never go physically involved if animal is not ready. They need to adjust to a space, smell, people. It can take some time. I need to have patience and just observe.
  • Second, I would talk to cat in sweet, loving voice, like he if he/she understands me completely, to allow animal get used to my voice.
  1. Third, is a good food, it’s not a rocket science that animals creating associations with whatever they interacting, so I would help myself to make this bond fast. I would give something meaty, something with exiting smell.
  • Games are fourth step, I would get something fluffy, or noisy and not too big. Size could be from insect to mouse. My easy pieasy toy is hand made sort of mouse. I take small piece of paper, rope about 1 metre then one part I would tide in middle of paper and then just move near cat. Not too fast, see how it reacts, any exitment in the eyes, if it’s there then you may use this toy in the future. Playing with cat is very important.
Posing Kustov.

Cats are more wild animals, they like to be free, when they want to be, so it’s better to give it as fast as you sensing it.

For example if it doesn’t want to sit on your lap or to be on your shoulder, being hold then don’t force it. Let cat know that you aren’t suppressing him/her.

  • The fifth is touch. Cats love to be touched in head area, light stroke with your finger(s) under chin, cheeck, beginning of chest. I would rub ears gently, stroke head and it’s back.

I would not touch tummy much, I would not irritate tail or their paws.

Tummy, tail, paws is something you can do later for more aggressive games if you don’t mind to be scratched and bitten. This is another story to share.

Overall it’s quite easy to make a bond if you have patience.

Cats sencing with what energy you are approaching, then bring kindness with yourself and you will get a loving friend back to you house ;).

Thank you for your time. I hope to see you again.



Curious Fox 🦊

My name is Evgenia, I am living in North East of India with husband. Big fan of books and cozy vlogs. Having 5 cats, wishing to write a book .